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경희의료원 로고

의료진 소개

  • 직위

    직위 정보 제공
    병원 교수


    학력 정보 제공
    ~ 경희대학교 의학과 학사

    경력 및 연수

    경력 및 연수 정보 제공
    ~ 경희대학교병원 신경과 부교수
    ~ 경희대학교병원 신경과 조교수
    ~ 경희대학교병원 신경과 임상조교수
    ~ 삼성서울병원 신경과 전임의 (뇌전증 및 수면 장애)
    ~ 경희대학교병원 신경과 전공의


    학회활동 정보 제공
    ~ 대한신경과학회 회원
    ~ 대한수면연구학회 회원
    ~ 대한뇌전증학회 회원
    ~ 대한수면학회 회원
    ~ 대한뇌전증학회 보험위원회 위원
    ~ 한국뇌전증협회 정책위원회 위원


    저서 정보 제공
    2020.12 국제수면장애분류
    2018.09 임상뇌전증학
  • 논문

    논문 정보 제공
    2020.09 Factors associated with stigma and depressive symptoms in family members of patients with epilepsy
    2020.07 Respiratory and sleep characteristics based on frequency distribution of craniofacial skeletal patterns in Korean adult patients with obstructive sleep apnea
    2020.06 Central Neurocytoma Presenting as Symptomatic Cataplexy
    2020.01 Does the new Korean term for epilepsy reduce the stigma for Korean adults with epilepsy?
    2019.12 Factors associated with social anxiety in South Korean adults with epilepsy
    2019.12 Comparison of cardiac autonomic activity between positional and nonpositional obstructive sleep apnea using heart rate variability
    2019.08 단일 기관에서 경험한 비기억상실형 경도 인지장애의 임상적 고찰
    2019.01 폐쇄수면무호흡에서 수면시간의 과소 평가와 관련 요인: 수면다원검사 결과를 이용한 후향 연구
    2018.06 Sleep hygiene-related conditions in patients with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea
    2018.04 Hematoma-related non-habitual seizures during subdural electrode monitoring
    2018.02 Somatosensory reflex epilepsy: simultaneous video-EEG monitoring and surface EMG
    2017.12 Intractable Epilepsy with Solitary Cerebral Calcification
    2017.10 Diagonal Earlobe Crease is a Visible Sign for Cerebral Small Vessel Disease and Amyloid-beta
    2017.07 Prevalence of Self-Perceived Snoring and Apnea and Their Association with Daytime Sleepiness in Korean High School Students
    2017.02 Post-stroke restless leg syndrome and periodic limb movements in sleep
    2016.08 신경계질환 환자에서 우울증과 자살경향성 빈도: 뇌전증, 파킨슨병과 허혈뇌졸중
    2016.06 Non-ketotic hyperglycaemia presenting as epilepsia partialis continua
    2016.06 The Difference in Heart Rate Change between Temporal and Frontal Lobe Seizures during Peri-ictal Period.
    2015.05 Can an exercise bicycle be safely used in the epilepsy monitoring unit?: An exercise method to provoke epileptic seizures and the related safety issues
    2014.03 Effect of oxcarbazepine on bone mineral density and biochemical markers of bone metabolism in patients with epilepsy
    2013.12 Cortical hemichorea-hemiballism
    2013.08 Effects of Levetiracetam Monotherapy on the Cognitive Function of Epilepsy Patients
    2013.04 Is High IQ Protective Against Cognitive Dysfunction in Narcoleptic Patients?
    2013.01 Effects of cilostazol against the progression of carotid IMT in symptomatic ischemic stroke patients
    2013.01 Brain Gray Matter Deficits in Patients with Chronic Primary Insomnia
    2012.08 Multiple microembolic brain infarctions in Clonorchis sinensis infestation


    학술활동 정보 제공
    뇌전증지속상태의 진단과 치료
    Update of hypersomnia management
    Implications of new classification of seizure and epilepsy
    Frequent other sleep problems in OSA patients
    Telemedicine in OSA
    Phenotype based therapeutic approach for SDB patients
    perception among those with obstructive sleep apnea: a Retrospective study based on polysomnographic data
    24th congress of the European sleep research society
    Dysprosody during epileptic seizure: Quantitative acoustic analysis
    Relationship between sleep and health-related facotr in adlescents
    Sleep perception among those with obstructive sleep apnea
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