
  • Prompt and accurate diagnosis, customized treatment support


    The Department of Pathology assists in patient care by providing rapid and accurate diagnosis and test results through histologic examination of tissues, body fluids and cells obtained from the patient. For a patient, an accurate diagnosis is the beginning of treatment, and pathological diagnosis is an important way to confirm the disease. The Department of Pathology plays an important role in patient treatment by accurately diagnosing and classifying diseases through morphological, immunological, and molecular biological tests and readings of human diseases, and conducts various pathological research and education related to diseases. In addition, through a medical cooperation system such as regular cooperation with each clinical department in the hospital, accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment directions are provided to patients.

    The main areas of treatment are surgical pathology, cellular pathology, special pathology examination and molecular pathology diagnosis. As medicine advances, the classification of tumors becomes more complex, disease names change, and new diseases that have not existed in the past arise. It is turning into a diagnosis. Recently, as various clinical treatment methods have been developed and applied, the era of customized treatment considering the characteristics of the disease is opening up. In line with this, the pathology department of Kyung Hee University Medical Center is taking the lead in realizing precision medicine by performing hundreds of genetic tests related to diseases through next-generation sequencing.

    Medical Fields

    Surgical pathological tissue diagnosis

    Histopathological examination

    Intraoperative frozen section examination

    Cell pathology diagnosis

    : Decidual cell test: uterine smear cell test, sputum cell test, urine cell test, body fluid cell test

    : Liquid cell test: liquid cervical cell test, liquid body fluid cell test, liquid fine needle aspiration cell test

    Molecular pathology test

    : Human genetic test: mutation test, lymphocyte receptor rearrangement test, fluorescence orthotopic Hybridization test

    : microbial molecular pathology test
    : next-generation sequencing test



    Department of Pathology is the center of health and future medicine Diagnosis of pathology, start of personalized treatment Pathology is the study that forms the basis of medicine and is the center of future medicine. In particular, the role of pathology in the diagnosis and treatment of tumors is very important. The diagnosis of the pathology determines the treatment plan and the choice of treatment.

    Pathologist, leader in conquering disease Pathologists have applied the latest examination techniques to hospital care and are continuing their research. The department of Pathology at Kyung Hee University Hospital is taking the lead in realizing precision medicine by performing hundreds of genetic tests related to patient diseases through next-generation sequencing.

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