
  • Preservation of natural teeth and restoration of function, sophisticated treatment using a microscope


    The Department of Preservation diagnoses and treats various diseases that occur in the tissues around the teeth and apex. Through this, our top priority is to relieve the discomfort of patients and restore the function of the teeth.

    The main treatment contents are divided into dental caries, root canal treatment (neurotherapy), hypersensitivity, aesthetic restoration treatment, micro apical surgery, tooth replantation and transplantation, dental trauma treatment, tooth whitening treatment, etc. Recently, microscopes have been introduced for more sophisticated treatment and are being used in various fields. The Department of Preservation will do its best for the satisfactory treatment of patients who visit us.

    Medical Fields

    Treatment of dental caries (treatment of tooth decay)

    Root canal treatment (neurotherapy)

    Hypersensitivity (Cervical wear)

    aesthetic restoration

    micro-apical surgery

    Replantation and transplantation of teeth: intentional replantation, autologous tooth transplantation

    tooth trauma

    teeth whitening


    Tooth preservation

    Early detection and treatment of caries can prolong the life of your teeth.
    In addition, it is possible to solve tooth pain caused by various causes and to restore damaged areas caused by tooth decay with various restoration materials. In the case of nerve treatment using a microscopic microscope, the internal structure of the teeth, which is difficult to see with the naked eye, can be clearly seen, enabling more sophisticated treatment, allowing more accurate evaluation of the cause and prognosis of dental problems.

    Aesthetic restoration, whitening

    If the function or shape of natural teeth is lost due to tooth wear due to bad habits, or tooth discoloration or deformed teeth, treatment is required to restore them. Through a variety of materials and specialized techniques, it is possible to restore teeth aesthetically and functionally as closely as possible to natural teeth.

    Micro apical surgery

    If conventional root canal treatment is not possible, apical resection, which approaches the root tip and cuts the inflamed and infected tissue at the root tip of the tooth, may be considered.
    If treatment is not possible in the oral cavity, tooth replantation is performed in which a tooth is pulled out and apical surgery is performed to replant it in its original place.
    Also, in some cases, autogenous tooth transplantation can be performed in which a wisdom tooth is removed and implanted in the lost area to replace the missing tooth.
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