
  • Quick and accurate diagnosis, delicate treatment and management


    Department of Rheumatology diagnoses and treats rheumatic diseases (joint diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, gout, and degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis), systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, Sjogren’s syndrome, inflammatory myositis, and connective tissue diseases including Bechet’s disease, etc.)

    Rheumatic disease derived from the ancient Greek word ‘rheuma’ and has the same description as Hippocrates’ one – ‘bad fluid that causes disease’. Recently, with the increased number of researches on arthritis, it has come to be used as a word meaning ‘arthritis’.

    With the increase in the elderly population due to the extension of life expectancy and the increasing interest in geriatric diseases, the interest and importance of rheumatic diseases are also increasing. Recently, diagnostic techniques for rheumatoid diseases have been diversified, and blood tests including ultrasound and osteoporosis tests, radiographic tests, and nuclear medicine tests have become common. Awareness is also gradually disappearing.The Department of Rheumatology conducts accurate patient diagnosis as well as prompt and active treatment. We treat patients by establishing a ‘one-step examination system’ for patients and developing cooperative treatment prescriptions through linkage with new drugs, traditional antirheumatic drugs, and Korean medicine hospitals.

    In addition, we are taking the lead in distributing the latest and best treatments through active clinical trials, as well as continuing systematic disease management by providing educational programs and participation programs for patients.

    Medical Fields

    Rheumatoid arthritis




    Behcet’s disease






    Systemic sclerosis

    Sjogren’s syndrome


    The medical staff of the Department of Arthritis and Rheumatology at Kyung Hee University Hospital provide the best treatment based on their extensive experience and know-how. In the outpatient department, we perform various techniques such as joint ultrasound, nail capillary microscopy, joint puncture, intra-articular infection, and trigger point injection, and provide accurate patient diagnosis and prompt and active treatment. Most of them are working hard to ensure that joint ultrasound and procedures are performed smoothly at the same time as outpatient treatment, providing the best medical service. We are conducting a number of domestic registration projects and a number of clinical trials and clinical studies, and are publishing high-quality papers by participating in various multi-center clinical studies. We are actively operating educational programs for patients and programs i which patients participate together.

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